Who Am I?

Hey there! I'm Aksaim Mohamed Amin, a passionate Full Stack Developer and tech enthusiast with a background in email marketing. With a solid foundation in web development, data structures, and software engineering, I focus on transforming creative ideas into efficient, user-friendly applications. Currently diving deeper into advanced web engineering, I’m here to build impactful solutions.

My Tech Stack

Through hands-on projects and continuous learning, I've built a strong foundation in the following technologies:

  • Languages: C, Python, JavaScript.
  • Web Development: HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, Flask, SQLAlchemy.
  • Database: MySQL.
  • Tools & DevOps: Linux, Shell Scripting, Git/GitHub, Fabric, Puppet, Nginx, HAProxy, Gunicorn, Redis, Celery, Datadog, Docker.

Here are some of the exciting projects I've worked on:

  • Portfolio
    Designed and developed a comprehensive portfolio to showcase my projects and technical blog posts. This platform integrates a fully functional blog, user authentication, and email notifications, providing a seamless and dynamic user experience.
    Tech Stack:
    HTML Icon CSS Icon JavaScript Icon Bootstrap Icon Flask Icon Python Icon Nginx Icon Linux Icon
    Explore Project
  • Airbnb Clone
    A full-stack clone with user functionality, built with Flask and SQLAlchemy, featuring a responsive Bootstrap UI.
    Tech Stack:
    HTML Icon CSS Icon JavaScript Icon Bootstrap Icon Flask Icon Python Icon MySQL Icon Nginx Icon Linux Icon
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  • Simple Shell Program
    Developed a basic shell for Unix-like systems using the C programming language, enabling command execution and script processing.
    Tech Stack:
    C programming language icon
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  • Printf Function
    Developed a custom implementation of the standard C `printf` function, replicating its functionality for formatted output.
    Tech Stack:
    C programming language icon
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  • Data Structures & Algorithms
    Implemented foundational algorithms, including binary trees and sorting algorithms, all in C.
    Tech Stack:
    C programing language Icon
  • Web Templates
    Full templates using HTML and CSS, hosted on GitHub Pages.
    Tech Stack:
    HTML Icon CSS Icon
What I'm Working On

Currently, I'm building my portfolio and integrating tools and blog to it at Aksaim.tech, integrating Redis for caching, Celery for async tasks, and Nginx for serving static files with speed and style. I'll be sharing updates on LinkedIn—stay tuned! I also like to solve coding problems and chalenges at leetcode , check my account for more LeetCode

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